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Friday, March 2, 2018

Some old projects

Made everything from corset, scarfs, and cloaks.
Who needs a pattern when you can make it up on the fly last minute?
Helped make the angel, red dress and some other small details. 
Custom made the Queen Fairy's dress. Fixed Periwinkles fairy costume. It was a disaster! 
Who needs a pattern for this beauty? Not me! Made this Jasmine costume in one night.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Valentines Quiet Book

I found an amazing blog with some awesome free quiet book patterns. Go check out her stuff at: http://www.imagineourlife.com/2012/01/16/valentine-mini-quiet-book/ You can also find the pattern on her web page.

After looking at her adorable pages and books I finally decided to make my first ever quiet book. Currently I don't have all of my sewing embellishments or scraps so I have had to buy the stuff or go "shopping" at my mom's house.

I made a few changes from the one on the blog, but I think  it turned out pretty cute. My son loves playing with the quiet books I've made. I will post the other two quiet books eventually. They still have a few minor details that need to be added before they are completed.

Cover of Valentines Quiet Book
Hearts are in envelope with little sayings.

First Page. Vase of Flowers and Box of Chocolates.
Flowers have button holes so you can match the colors to the buttons. Snaps on the back of the chocolates so you can match the shapes.
Second page. Weaving Heart and Cupcake.
Zipper pocket so you can put the cupcake pieces away.
Chocolate cupcake.
Purple cupcake baking paper.
Pink frosting with white sprinkles. I used beads and sequins for the sprinkles.
Cupcake completed with whipped cream and cherry on top.
Back cover of Valentines Quiet Book. Embroidered "Made With Love: Mom".
Spine of book has Valentines embroidered on it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Knitted Nativity

My latest knitting project.
Knitted Nativity

Heat Miser

Made my son the Heat Miser from 'A Year Without Santa Clause' for Halloween.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pioneer Costume

Please ignore the messy house in the background. I didn't have time to clean my home the few days that I worked on this project. Also the threads and the tired look on Kari's face, it was late and we were both super tired.

This is a Pioneer costume that I made. It was all made without a commercial pattern. I did make a pattern for the bodice so it would fit Kari's figure, the rest including sleeves were made up as I went. I think it turned out pretty good. We tried to get it as historically correct as we could with limited funds, and comfort in mind. We did not make any petticoats, and made it short sleeves instead of long. All in all I think it turned out pretty darn cute!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bag of all Bags

This is my latest creation. This is my range bag (for caring shooting supplies) or 72 hr bag. 

Sewing Class

Started teaching a 13 year old in my area how to sew. I am so excited to be teaching her once a month new techniques and methods!