E-mail Lacey at: sewingperfect03@gmail.com to schedule your class now. Classes located in Provo, Utah.
Classes are filling up quick so don't wait!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chef Hat and Apron

I made this hat and apron for my friends daughter. The Chef hat is adjustable, so it can go from size, 18" to 23" head. Super easy to make, and really cute. I think I might design a cute boys apron today.

Showing off the Chef hat and Apron. I didn't have enough fabric to make the hat as full as I usually make it.
I made this chef hat for my niece. My son is showing it off in this picture. I like the bigger, fuller hats.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Diaper Bag

This is my diaper bag that I just finished Saturday. I absolutely love it! It has so many pockets and is huge!!! I can carry everything and have it all organized and easy to get to. I don't have everything in my diaper bag in these pictures though. But believe me when I say it can hold ALLOT of stuff!

I got the idea to make my own diaper bag from a basic diaper bag tutorial online. I have added and changed allot of things to make this bag meet my needs and wants in a diaper bag.

Front/ Back It has a large pockets on the front/back that are divided into smaller pockets, that are sized perfect to hold my changing mat, wipes, notebook and other stuff.
Back/Front I made it with both carrying handles and a long adjustable strap.
Side pocket for a small,medium, or large bottle. 10oz bottle in picture.

Holds puffs or other snacks perfect.
Top View. It has a separating zipper to help keep it closed. Or open all the way when you need to get into it.
Inside, I have a bunch of pockets to hold all of my stuff. On this side it is elastic pockets so they can extend and hold a ton of stuff. The two magnetic snaps hold a removable bag. I haven't made that bag yet.
Pockets, pockets, and more pockets. I have more pockets on the other side of the divider. I made two welt pockets that hold 5 size 4 diapers in each pocket. You can't see it in this picture but there are two small side pockets that I use to hold my sons baby food jars. I made these pockets so the jars wouldn't clink around in my bag or brake.  I also have thought about turning the divider into a big pocket to hold important papers, but I'm not sure yet. I'd need to get buckram and a zipper to do this, I haven't quit convinced myself  it's worth taking apart most of the bag to do this. Maybe I'll do it on future diaper bags I make.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Make-up Bag

Just finished designing a make-up bag. It is just about done, I just need to get a zipper to finish it. Pictures will be posted soon!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Double Knit

This is a minion hat that I made up the pattern for. There is a lot of kinks that I still need to work-out on this pattern. This hat is double knitted so it is reversible.

Double Knit Minion Hat. My son wouldn't hold still so the picture is a bit blurry.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Harry Potter Halloween

She worked so hard to make her family look fantastic.
Themed Halloween Costumes

Before making all of her families costumes, this student had a very basic knowledge of sewing. By the end she learned how to make the following:

Pieces Made:
Overlay skirt

Altered Pieces:
Mans tie to fit infant
Dress: sleeves, neck and ties
Fixed holes on sports coat

Some Techniques Learned:
Hand sewing
French seams
Cutting and sewing bias
Grommet placement
Pattern making
Pattern alterations

Car Seat

 This project I taught one of my students how to make their own fashionable car seat cover and canopy.

Techniques Learned:
Cutting and sewing bias
Button holes
Making pattern
Placing pattern on fabric to be cut

Ruffled Shower Curtain

Ruffled Shower Curtain
This ruffle shower curtain was a great project to learn how to make quick, easy, perfect ruffles everytime, without a rufflier pressure foot.

Techniques Learned:
Rolled hem
Easy perfect ruffles
Cut fabric
Button Holes